Cocoa, FL – 8 December to 11 December 2016 – Latitude N28 degrees 21.082 minutes

Elena’s best friend lives in Indian Rocks, near Clearwater on the west coast of Florida.  Yelena drove over to Cocoa on the afternoon of the 9th, giving us a little time to recover from our overnight run and all day fight with bridges, locks fog, and shallow water.  On the 9th, the winds were out of the north at about 15+ knots, and there was a two foot chop on the Indian River where we had anchored.  After a wet dinghy ride into town to meet Yelena, we all did a little reconnaissance on the town of Cocoa while we dried out a bit.

Landing at the city dock in Cocoa to pick up Elena2
Landing at the city dock in Cocoa to pick up Yelena



Elena and Yelena discovered there was a local musical on the 10th and bought tickets.  The December 10th the two Elena’s spent the day shopping and attending the musical “Meet Me in St Louis”, which got rave reviews from the Elenas.   


I stayed on board to work on finances and to listen to the Army-Navy Game on XM Radio.  When the ladies called for their dinghy ride back to Sophia, Navy was winning 17-14 and I was confident that Navy would hold out.  By the time, I got back the score was Army 21 Navy 14.  Despite some enthusiastic cheering on Sophia, Navy could not come back and a 14 game winning streak was broken.  A congratulatory phone call to my friend and West Point grad was in order and promptly made. (movie to be posted when I get to WIFI)

On December 11th, the two Elenas toured the Kennedy Space Center.  After a logistics run to the grocery store, West Marine, and Home Depot, Elena2 left for home and we prepared for a inside run.

Elena and Yelena at NASA's Kennedy Space Center
Elena and Yelena at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Elena touring the Space Shuttle Atlantis
Elena touring the Space Shuttle Atlantis
Elena observing the Apollo rocket system
Elena observing the Apollo rocket system (or maybe wanting to be observed)
The Rocket Garden
The Rocket Garden


The winds continue from the south and we did not want to go back through the bridges, shallow water and the locks.  So we plan to run down about 20 miles to Melbourne and then another 30 miles to Vero Beach, where we wait until we get fair winds.  When we do, we will make a quick run to Fort Pierce and out for the offshore leg to Lake Worth (the Palm Beach area

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