Category: Captain’s Log

2019 and a New Fuel Tank

Our last entry was May 31, 2018.  We have come ashore to recover both physically and, more importantly, fiscally.  I have been back at work at my old company, mostly working proposals. The summer of 2018 was spent …

Captain’s Log – Final Entry for 2016-2018 cruise

    Captain’s Log Final Entry for 2017-2018 cruise–Elena returns and we make the run for home Elena returned to “Sophia” on May 9th,  meeting me in Beaufort, NC late in the afternoon.  We wasted no time, underway …

Singlehanding Sophia Northbound

After arriving  on March 7th, we stayed in Vero Beach for two weeks.  On March 23rd, Elena left for Russia to become a “babushka” officially, leaving me alone to fend for myself.  I knew I was not going …

Northbound to Vero Beach (Feb 26-Mar 7)

    On February 26th, we departed Key West on a gentle southwest wind and pleasant temperatures.  The navigation was simple as we re-traced our steps back up the Keys, stopping at Marathon and Key Largo.  On February …

Key West (Feb 6- 25)

We departed Crandon Marina on Key Biscayne on Feb 1st, transited through Biscayne Channel and into Hawks Channel, a natural channel between the Florida Keys and the reefs at the edge of the Florida Straits.  It was a …

Down the coast of Florida

 St Augustine to Miami — 3 Dec 2017 (Day 48) through 31 Jan 2018 (Day 107)   We spent a week and a day at St Augustine.  We arrived on a Saturday and had to wait until Monday …

Beaufort SC to St Augustine – Nov 24 (Day 38) to Dec 2 (Day 47) – We are in Florida!!!

          Having gotten Thanksgiving out of the way and with a week of fair winds forecasted, we said good-bye to Beaufort at noon on the 24th.  We had decided to proceed to the west …

Beaufort (Bo-fort) to Beaufort (Bu-fort) – Nov 12 to Nov 21 November (Day 26 through Day 38)

  We were in Beaufort NC at an expensive marina and had seen all that we wanted to see and did everything we wanted to do. It was time to go, but the weather was not cooperating. The …

Departure from Deltaville and on to Oriental and Beaufort, NC

          On Tuesday, 31 October, Halloween, we held early reveille at 0600 and made our final preps for getting underway–one last trash run, unhook and bring aboard the electrical cable, and take in the …

We are off on our adventure again (Day 1- 14)

  Having done all the work that we needed to do, and more importantly, it is getting cold, we must begin our move south before the cold really sets in. At 11:10am on Tuesday, October 17th, we cast …