Category: Captain’s Log

Northbound Spring 2022 – through Virginia and Maryland – May 17-30

May 17th – We were underway at 0645 from Coinjock to make all the bridges on time. Made our way through the North Landing River, the Virgina Cut and the Great Bridge locks. 1430 – Gilberton Bridge- We …

Summer 2021 Refit

Zoe and Ellie left the day after the Fourth of July fireworks show. Now it was time to start some major maintenance work.  Key elements of the refit were: Replacement of 10 deck planks Maintenance of the remainder …

Summer 2021

In addition to a long list of repairs and upgrades to be completed by October, we were excited to have special visitors.  We signed Zoe up for dinghy sailing lessons in late June and Ellie for “mini-mariners” sailing …

2021 Return to the Chesapeake

After our short sojourn south, gingerly touching into Florida, we returned to Beaufort, SC.  The season had turned to Spring in South Carolina, with temperatures warming enough to use the air conditioner.  I discoverd that my cousin Gwen …

Fernandina Beach and Back to Beaufort

We arrived in Fernandina Beach, Florida on March 11.  After 4 years, Fernandina Beach had completed the rebuild of its marina damaged by Hurricane Matthew in 2016.  It is now one of the best marinas along the East …

A Quick Run Down the Coast

We were underway at 11am on Saturday March 6th, leaving on a flood tide as it approached slack water to catch the ebb tide on our way out the Beaufort River.  We passed Parris Island Marine Base, crossed …

A Three Month Stay at our Winter/Pandemic Quarters

During our familial negotiations over what we would and would not do for winter, I established only one non-negotiable: we had to be far enough south so that we did not freeze.  Elena wanted to avoid Florida due …

Our Run to Warmer Climes

Through September and into October, Elena and I discussed what we would do for the winter.  Elena’s instincts were to stay put, but I was not thrilled with living on the boat in a frozen Chesapeake Bay.  A …

Moving Aboard, A New Water Tank, More Varnishing, and a Visit from the Swabbies

June 2020 – October 2020 Now that Sophia was back in the water, it was time for us to make the commitment to move out of our apartment, shed as much of the peripherals of terrestrial living, and …

A New Generator, A New Radar, Steering Repairs, and On the Hard – January through June 10, 2020

In March, Elena left for a trip to visit relatives in London and a quick trip to Paris. March 2020—-Pandemic hits! She is in London when Trump decides he is going to put in a travel ban. Fortunately, …