Month: November 2017

Beaufort (Bo-fort) to Beaufort (Bu-fort) – Nov 12 to Nov 21 November (Day 26 through Day 38)

  We were in Beaufort NC at an expensive marina and had seen all that we wanted to see and did everything we wanted to do. It was time to go, but the weather was not cooperating. The …

Departure from Deltaville and on to Oriental and Beaufort, NC

          On Tuesday, 31 October, Halloween, we held early reveille at 0600 and made our final preps for getting underway–one last trash run, unhook and bring aboard the electrical cable, and take in the …

We are off on our adventure again (Day 1- 14)

  Having done all the work that we needed to do, and more importantly, it is getting cold, we must begin our move south before the cold really sets in. At 11:10am on Tuesday, October 17th, we cast …

Refit – July to October 2017

Our refit really began early when we were in Deltaville. Our generator had been spewing black smoke since January to such an extent that it had become unusable.  Our trusted generator mechanic, Ken, who had predicted this would …

What went well and what needed improvement (2016-2017 cruise)

Things that worked well Dinghy storage.  Stabilizer bar and lines plus a ratchet using a web strap allowed us to carry the dinghy on the davits all the time (as opposed to hoisting it aboard and storing on …