Month: May 2017

To Beaufort and Georgetown

Did I say rest and relaxation in the last posting?  We had just settled in when our head (toilet) decided it did not wish to cooperate anymore (meaning it would not flush) and, beyond that, the motor stopped …

On To St. Augustine (and we run aground)

We left New Smyrna Beach City Marina at first light on Sunday May 7rd as we needed the high tide at 7am to get over the “bump” Elena had discovered.  By playing the tides and following the directions …

Our Crossing to Florida and Return to Vero Beach

We waited for a few days in West End for a good weather window.  During our wait, we finally spotted the mysterious and rare manatee.  All through Florida on the way down, we searched the shoreline for one …

The Circle is Closed

On 21 April, the winds had calmed down enough to for us to back out of our slip at slack water (no current) using a trick with the lines called a spring line to hold the bow at …